Overview of Services
The Flow Cytometry Core Laboratory provides access to state of the art instrumentation and professional flow cytometry services to researchers from The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania.
The lab is located in Suite 1207 on the 12th floor of the Leonard and Madlyn Abramson Pediatric Research Center.
Our staff has extensive expertise in performing a variety of flow cytometry applications, including sample processing for surface and intracellular staining, functional assays, complex multi-color flow analyses and cell sorting. Most cytometers and sorters are located in Suite 1207 in Abramson Research Center (ARC) at CHOP.
Upcoming seminar hosted by the Flow Cytometry Core Lab at CHOP:
Getting the most out of your Aurora and Aurora CS data
February 26, 2025, 12:30 PM, Colket Translational Research Building, room 6040
Presenter: Maria C Jaimes, MD, VP Cytek Biosciences
Topics that will be covered during the presentation:
Tips for panel design with emphasis on fluorochrome selection
- How to effectively QC a panel design
- Guidelines for assay optimization
- Considerations around reference controls
- Best practices for appropriate handling of autofluorescence
- Suggested approach for data QC and troubleshooting.
On August 13, 2024 we hosted a seminar about ImageStream, a powerful platform for imaging cytometry.
For those who were not able to attend, the links to the recording and to the slides are posted below:
The instruments listed below are available in the Flow Cytometry Core Lab at CHOP. We also offer access to software for flow data analysis.

- Aurora A (ARC 1207i; 5 lasers, 64 detectors)
- Aurora B (CTRB 10107; 5 lasers, 64 detectors)
- Aurora D (ARC 1207G; 5 lasers, 64 detectors)
- CytoFLEX LX (ARC 1207G; 6 lasers, 21 colors)
- CytoFLEX S (ARC 1207; 4 lasers, 13 colors)
- CytoFLEX S (ARC 1207; 3 lasers, 13 colors)
- LSRFortessa (ARC 1207; 5 lasers, 18 colors)
- LSR II (CTRB 10107; 4 lasers, 15 colors)
Imaging system:
Cell counter
Software for flow cytometry data analysis
- FlowJo and FCS Express (annual licenses can be ordered by logging in and clicking the Request Services tab)
FCS Express includes the Image cytometry, High content analysis and Advanced multi-cycle analysis.
For an introduction to FCS Express, watch the recording of the webinar we hosted on September 21, 2022.
Download the Optical Configuration of our instruments.
- Access to analyzers and software
- Cell sorting
- Hands-on training on cytometers and sorters
- Sample preparation for surface and intracellular staining
- Polychromatic flow cytometry assays for clinical research studies
- Functional assays (intracellular calcium, apoptosis, cell cycle etc.)
Full-service sorting and semi-assisted sorting are available during business hours. Unassisted sorting is available during evenings and weekends.
* Download the Guidelines for Planning a Cell sorting Experiment in our facility.
* Download the Fee Schedule.
For a review of basic flow cytometry concepts,check out the Molecular Probes tutorials listed below prior to scheduling any training session on an instrument:
- To schedule a training session on an analyzer (Aurora, CytoFLEX or LSR) please log in iLab, click the Request Services tab and submit a Training request.
- To schedule a training session on a cell sorter please set up a reservation for training directly on the iLab calendar of the sorter.
Follow these steps: log in iLab, click the "Reserve instruments" tab, scroll down and click "Sorters". Click View schedule to open the calendar of the sorter you would like to be trained on. Click-and-drag on the calendar to start a reservation. Click the round button which indicates that the reservation is for Training, then follow the instructions in the bulleted list to complete the reservation.
Note: FACSAria training sessions are available only on FACSAria II. (Do not schedule any training session on FACSAria Fusion!)
Other flow cytometry resources:
- The Art of Sorting: a detailed presentation of the principles of electrostatic droplet sorting.
Researchers who would like to start using our core lab must have an iLab account and a form of payment set in iLab.
- Sign-up for an iLab account at https://chop.ilab.agilent.com/landing/101
- The steps for setting up a form of payment in iLab depend on your affiliation: CHOP, UPenn or another institution.
- Researchers from CHOP who would like to start using our facility should take the following steps:
- Ask your PI or business manager to give you access in iLab to an active account.
- You may proceed with reserving cytometers, scheduling sorting or training on the iLab calendars.
- The instruments calendars can be found at the bottom of this page. You must be logged in in order to set up reservations.
- Our lab is open 24/7 to researchers who carry a CHOP badge.
- Researchers from Penn who would like to use our facility should take the following steps:
- Make sure you have an active iLab account. If necessary, sign up for an iLab account.
- Request a purchase order (PO) from your business manager for covering the utilization fees in our lab.
- In order to generate the PO, your business manager may ask for our BenBuys information, which is Phila 200, Site 49513, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
- Be aware that the PO does not trigger any payment, it only sets the upper limit for the dollar amount that we are allowed to invoice.
- At the beginning of each month, our administrative team will send invoices for the services performed to Penn’s central Accounts Payable.
- You can check the balance on your existing POs in iLab, by clicking on the PO tab.
- The end-user is responsible for making sure that the correct PO is being used for each reservation on our calendars. Consult with your business manager if you have any doubts.
- Since iLab does not allow end-users to edit past reservations, you must inform us immediately by emailing to flowcytometry@chop.edu if you notice that a charge for a reservation should have been set on a different PO.
The Flow Core staff will make the necessary change on your behalf.
- Enter the PO number in iLab. All end users and lab managers should be able to enter a PO in iLab. The PO will be reviewed and approved within two business days by our administrative team.
- You may proceed with reserving equipment in iLab as soon as the PO is available.
- Request a new PO and enter it in iLab when the initial funds are running low. You will not be able to set up reservations in iLab if your funding is insufficient.
- For adding new lab members to an existing PO please send an email message to CHOP Core Facilities Administration at CoresAdmin@email.chop.edu. Please note that the Flow Core staff members cannot make any changes to existing POs.
- For general questions about iLab or about setting up a new PO, Penn researchers should contact April Weakley at aweakley@pennmedicine.upenn.edu.
- IMPORTANT: We request all Penn users apply for a CHOP token as soon as possible. The token is a small device affixed to the Penn ID, which allows for easy access into our building between 8AM and 6PM, without checking in with the security officer in the lobby. Without a CHOP token, access to our lab is possible only when the staff is present. A photo ID will be required by security and the access to the lab may be delayed.
- Researchers from other institutions are required to have a formal research agreement with our facility, in addition to an iLab account and a form of payment set in iLab with our facility. Unassisted or semi-assisted access to our instruments is not available for researchers from outside our campus. External users may choose to use a PO or credit card for payments.
Regardless of affiliation, any specific questions about getting access to our lab should be addressed to flowcytometry@chop.edu.
Please contact the CHOP Core Facilities Administration at CoresAdmin@email.chop.edu if you have inquiries about setting up a form of payment or about your iLab account.
Our lab is staffed only during business hours (9 AM to 5 PM). Unassisted access to instruments is available to CHOP employees at any time (including weekends and holidays).
Our lab is organized as a Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2) facility. Whenever possible, samples brought to the lab should be fixed using a method that effectively inactivates pathogens (e.g. formaldehyde, paraformaldehyde, detergents, high temperature).
A biosafety questionnaire is required for each reservation. The staff will assess the biosafety risks for your samples. We thank you in advance for your cooperation with keeping everyone safe.
The following requirements should be met by researchers present in the flow lab:
- Gloves should be used at all times while touching equipment or accessories in the Flow lab.
- A lab coat is required when working in the flow Lab. We have a limited number of clean lab coats, please plan on bringing your own.
- Samples should be filtered immediately prior to loading them on sorters to minimize the risks of clogging.
We have posted by each sorter checklists on how to safely handle a clogged sorter.
- Plan your flow or sorting experiment ahead of time; we will need time to review and address any biosafety issues.
We welcome your suggestions for maintaining the highest level of safety in the Flow Lab!
Leadership and Staff
Florin Tuluc, MD, PhD
Jennifer Murray
Senior technical specialist
John Lora
Technical specialist
Angela Mckenzie
Technical specialist
Kevin Liedel
Technical specialist
Chloe Davis
Technical specialist
Sophia McKee
Technical specialist
Abdias Diaz Rosado
Research Associate Scientist
Links and Resources
- Flow Core Lab -- CHOP website
- Planning your first cell sorting experiment
- The optical configuration of our instruments
- Other core labs at CHOP
Location and hours of operation
Hours of operation: Open: 24/7 | Staffed: Monday - Friday 9 AM to 5 PM
Location: 3615 Civic Center Boulevard, Abramson Research Building, room 1207, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (see the map below)
General questions or inquiries should be sent by email at flowcytometry@chop.edu and they will be auto-forwarded to all members of the flow lab.
Phone: 215-590-3402
How to reference our lab in your publications
We will appreciate if you mention in the Materials and Methods or in the Acknowledgements section of your publications the name of our lab and our research resource identifier (RRID):
CHOP Flow Cytometry Core Laboratory (RRID:SCR_009726)
Feel free to mention the names of the staff members who helped with your work.