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The BioSorter (ARC 1006D) has been retired.

Sorter for large particles 


  • Two lasers (488 and 561 nm) and three color detectors
  • It can be set up with two FOCAs (Fluidics and Optics Core Assemblies): 250 μm and 1,000 μm
  • Capability to deposit particles in multiwell plates
  • Software: FlowPilot
  • The BioSorter cannot be used for analyzing / sorting cells with diameters smaller than 40 μm; the maximum sort speed on this device is approx. 20 events/second.


Laser   Ex (nm) Em (nm) Fluorochromes
Blue 488 510/23 GFP, FITC, Alexa Fluor 488, CFSE, Fluo-4
Blue 488 543/22 YFP
Yellow-Green 561 615/24 dsRed, mCherry, PI