In observance of the holidays, Agilent CrossLab/iLab Operations Software Support Help Desk will be closed during U.S. hours on Monday, February 17th, 2025. We will resume regular U.S. support hours on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025. For urgent matters, please add "Urgent" to the ticket/email subject or press "1" when prompted to escalate a call on the iLab Support phone, and we will prioritize those requests first.

Samuel Roberts Noble Microscopy Lab (SRNML)


The Samuel Roberts Noble Microscopy Laboratory (SRNML) is sponsored by the OU Vice President for Research and Partnerships as a core shared research facility.  For access to the SRNML, users of this facility and its resources must agree to the following terms:

  • To abide by all safety rules and other regulations as set forth by OU and by the SRNML personnel.
  • Maintain current training for Laboratory Safety, Hazard Communication, etc. through
  • Use only instruments for which authorization has been approved and abide by the SRNML access policies.
  • Only use equipment after reserving in iLab.
  • Report any equipment problems immediately to SRNML personnel. 
  • Remove samples promptly and leave facilities clean and ready for the next user. Any chemicals or samples temporarily stored in SRNML facilities must be labeled with a name and date.
  • Contribute towards your share of cost recovery according to the posted SRNML rates.

Researcher Co-authorship. SRNML researchers often make significant intellectual or otherwise enabling contributions to the success of a research project, and recognition of these contributions is important. In such cases it is expected that such individual(s) will be included as co-author(s) of all publications arising from or making use of the results obtained by the Core Facility. Significant intellectual input could include any or all of the following:

  1. Experimental design such as optimization of sample preparation protocols;
  2. Involvement in data collection beyond standard user analytical methods;
  3. Interpretation or analysis of results; or
  4. Writing or editing significant portions of the manuscript.

In general, it is preferable to discuss the potential for this at the outset of the project, especially when the project involves developmental work rather than repetition of an established procedure. Research advisors should contact the SRNML Director if there is a question about this policy, or about a Core facility staff member’s contribution to a project.

Core facility charges. Please note that service fees are charged for consumable supplies, operating costs, and to maintain and improve each of the core facilities. These service fees are not a substitute for appropriate recognition of the contributions of core lab personnel through ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND/OR co-authorship ON publications.

Reporting Outcomes. Shared instrumentation was acquired through a variety of external sources with internal matching support.  In order to properly document research outcomes made possible by the SRNML, and to enhance the chances of success for future grants to obtain new shared research instrumentation, we need quantitative metrics.  The individual faculty mentors of the users must provide to the SRNML Director an account of any publications (and posters) that included work performed at the SRNML or in collaboration with SRNML personnel. Continued access to SRNML resources is contingent on providing this annual data.   


Andrew Elwood Madden Director
Tingting Gu Associate Director for Advanced Light Microscopy

Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

8AM - 5PM M - F

George Lynn Cross Hall
770 Van Vleet Oval
Norman, OK 73019-6131

Links and Resources


SRNML Personnel and Contact Info

photo of Andy Elwood Madden

Dr. Andy Elwood Madden

Director, Klabzuba Chair of Geosciences

General Inquiries


image of Dr. Tingting Gu

Dr. Tingting Gu

Associate Director for Advanced Light Microscopy

Contact for Light Microscopy


photo of Dr. Preston Larson

Dr. Preston Larson

Research Associate for Electron Microscopy

Contact for Scanning Electron Microscopy


photo of Dr. Julian Sabisch

Dr. Julian Sabisch

Research Scientist for Electron Microscopy

Contact for Transmission Electron Microscopy


Name Role Phone Email Location
Dr. Andrew Elwood Madden
NML 210 / SEC 956
Dr. Tingting Gu
Associate Director for Advanced Light Microscopy
Richards 9 / NML 210
Dr. Preston Larson
Research Associate
NML 214
Dr. Julian Sabisch
Research Scientist
NML 210

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