Nemours Biobank and Molecular Analysis Program (RRID:SCR_018265)
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Nemours Biobank and Molecular Analysis Program (RRID:SCR_018265)
The Biobank and Molecular Analysis Program (BMAP) provides essential services in biobanking, molecular and genomic applications to the clinical and research staff at Nemours, Delaware Institutional Development Award/IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) partner institutions, and external clients. The services the core offers include: Biobanking/biorepository services, NGS sequencing, Single-cell sequencing, DNA Sanger Sequencing, DNA Fragment Analysis, SNP analysis, Nucleic Acid isolation and QC, Cell Identification/Authentication, Gene Expression analysis, and Digital PCR.
Preparative instrumentation available for research staff to use (i.e., after training) in the core includes: QS 7 FLEX Real-Time PCR Instrument, Biomek 4000 & 3000 liquid handlers, NanoDrop UV-Vis spectrophotometer, PCR thermal cyclers, Covaris focused-ultrasonicator , and Qubit fluorometer. Other instrumentation is provided as a staffed service. Support services include design consultation, data troubleshooting, and instrument training. The ultimate goal of this laboratory is to provide biomedical investigators with state of the art technical support and clinicians with tools that can help improve pediatric supportive care and/or therapeutic intervention.
We offer low-cost, fast-turnaround, high-quality service that are essential to many clinical and hypothesis driven projects and we operate under strict CLIA guidelines.
Customers come to the core to access expertise, experience and of course, specialized state-of-the-arts equipment. We consider it paramount to stay at the cutting edge through active participation with Core Networks at the local, regional, national and international level.
Diana Corao-Uribe, MD | Laboratory Director
Deepti Anand, PhD | Research Scientist
Jennifer Holbrook | Program Manager
Hours | Location |
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm Excluding Holidays |
Biomolecular Core Laboratory 1701 Rockland Road Rockland Center 1, room 214 Wilmington, DE 19803 |
Name | Role | Phone | Location | |
Pediatric Genomics Lab |
Rockland Center One
Deepti Anand |
Research Scientist
NCH DE Rockland Center 1