Houston Omics Collaborative Service Facility

Overview of Services

Houston Omics Collaborative is a new Proteomics/Genomics service facility at the University of Houston. Based on a non-profit model, we aim to offer various technologies and expertise in OMICs to the biomedical research community, particularly academic laboratories. Our services include but are not limited to, cutting-edge targeted proteomics that screen >1000 proteins, autoantigen microarrays for autoantibody screening, biomarker detection, genome analysis, gene expression, and microRNA analysis. Our products and services cover the entire workflow process - from assay consultation with experienced personnel to data analysis and data presentation.


Collaborations are also strongly encouraged.


Chandra Mohan | Principle Investigator

Hours of Operation and Location

Hours Location

Monday - Friday
10:00AM - 6:00PM           


3517 Cullen Blvd, Room 2027
SERC, Biomedical Engineering Dept.
Houston, TX, 70204

Links and Resources

  1. http://uh.edu/hoc
  2. http://mohanlab.bme.uh.edu/


Name Role Phone Email Location
Yewei Ma
Technical Director
Houston, TX

Service list

Search available services: View: by category alphabetically
Autoantigen Microarray (1)