Overview of Materials Science & Engineering Services
The Department of Materials Science and Engineering laboratories are located in Hoover Hall and Gilman Hall. Labs in Gilman are used primarily for research, whereas labs in Hoover are used for both research and teaching. These laboratories contain test equipment and facilities to investigate thermal, mechanical, and chemical properties of materials, as well as teach the physical concepts and illustrate the important processing operations involving materials.
Hoover Hall: 528 Bissell Rd, Ames, IA 50011
Gilman Hall: 2415 Osborn Dr, Ames, IA 50011
MSE Labs Staff
Contact regarding: General iLab and iLab account questions, Furnaces, Spectroscopy, Mechanical testing, GPC, Zetasizer, 3D Printing
Sarah Beckman
2240J Hoover Hall
Contact regarding: General iLab and iLab account questions (backup), SEM, Sputter Coating, XRD, Thermal Analysis equipment
Contact regarding: Optical Microscopes, Mounting/Polishing/Sectioning
Links and Resources
- https://www.mse.iastate.edu/research-and-teaching-laboratories/
- https://www.me.iastate.edu/undergraduate-programs/boyd-lab/