Harry Hood Bassett Flow Cytometry and Small Particles Detection (FCSPD) Facility

Overview of Services

The Harry Hood Bassett Flow Cytometry and Small Particle Detection (FCSPD) facility at UVM is a College of Medicine Core Facility designed as a multi-user resource for the high speed analysis, sorting of cells, and the characterization of small particles. The FCSPD facility has two convenitonal analytical cytometers (Miltenyi MACSQuant VYB, 3L/8 fluorescences and Beckman CytoFlex, 2L/4 fluorescences), a full spectra flow cytometer (Cytek Aurora, 4L/54 fluorescent channels), and a BD FACSAriaIII high-speed cell sorter (4L/13 fluorescences). In addition, the facility houses the Particle Metrix ZetaView Twin nanoparticle tracker analyzer (2L/2 fluorescences). This equipment was purchased through National Institute of Health and UVM-College of Medicine Shared Instrumentation Grants. Investigators who bring samples to the FCSPD facility for sorting or analysis pay a fee, which is used to offset operating expenses. The FCSPD facility provides professional consultation and assistance with equipment use, experimental design, and interpretation of data.

 I will be out of office:

-Thursday, Dec-19 and Friday, Dec-20: Personal

During this time staff-assisted services will be down. Thanks, Roxana


Roxana del Rio-Guerra, PhD, SCYM(ASCP)CM


Location and hours of operation

Hours        Location


Staffed Hours:           Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Non-COM users:         Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
External users:           Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 
COM-Trained Users:   Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


       149 Beaumont Ave, FMRB 161
       Burlington, VT, 05405

Links and Resources

  1. Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting (FCCS) Facility


Name Role Phone Email Location
Roxana del Rio-Guerra, PhD

149 Beaumont Ave, FMRB 160