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Electron Microscopy Center

Overview of Services

The IU Bloomington Electron Microscopy Center (IUB EMC) was established in 2013 as the unification of two separate EM facilities that co-operated but that were not organizationally unified. The unified facility houses four transmission electron microscopes (TEM's) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) outfitted for serial block face SEM imaging.  We also house sample preparation equipment for both conventional and cryoEM, including a high pressure freezer, an automated freeze substitution machine and an assortment of ultramicrotomes.  In addition to TEM sample preparation equipment, the center also has equipment for SEM sample preparation that includes a critical point drier and sputter coating device.  The expertise of the four staff members covers all the areas mentioned above, and extends to the computational analysis necessary for the three-dimensional reconstruction work associated with cryoEM.  The staff of the IUB EMC provides all equipment training for users, who can then reserve instruments on a fee-for-use basis.  The staff also collects data and does data analysis for people when requested.  This fee-for-service work involves charges for both any equipment used as well as for the time the staff spends doing the work.  Finally, the IUB EMC is currently working with the IUB Pervasive Technology Institute to devise a web-based robust and permanent data storage tool for all data collected in the EMC.


Marc Morais
Faculty Director

Steve Tait
Faculty Director

David Morgan
Staff Director

Location and hours of operation

Hours Locations


Facility Hours: 24/7

Staffed Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00am-6:00pm


Myers Hall
Room 040
915 E 3rd St.
Bloomington,   IN 47405


Simon Hall
Rooms 032, 034 & 041
212 S. Hawthorne Dr.
Bloomington,   IN 47405

Links and Resources

  1. IUB Electron Microscopy Center Website


Name Role Phone Email Location
David Morgan
Staff Director
SI 047E
Barry Stein
Staff Scientist
MY 040
Giovanni Gonzalez-Gutierrez
Staff Scientist
SI 005A

Available Equipment and Resources

Imaging Tools (4)
