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MDACC EMC Flow Cytometry Core

Overview of Services

The Flow Cytometry Core Facility in the Department of Epigenetics and Molecular Carcinogenesis at South Campus provides cutting-edge resources to dissect the cellular and molecular mechanisms of developmental and disease processes. Flow cytometry allows researchers to quantify and isolate rare viable cell subsets from heterogenous populations in single-cell suspensions based on differential expression of surface antigens. Other flow cytometry applications include: cellular phenotyping by multiparameter cytofluorimetric analysis, sorting of fluorescence protein-tagged cells, assessing apoptosis and cell cycle status, the identification/isolation of stem and cancer stem cells (e.g., marker positive, side-population, etc.) and the deposition of single cells. Multispectral confocal imaging permits high resolution imaging of cells and expression/localization of molecules of interest in a physiologically relevant context in situ. Additional confocal applications include microirradiation to study DNA-damage repair, protein-protein interaction assays (e.g., FRET), 3D reconstructions and time-lapse imaging of dynamic cell and molecular processes. The Leica TCS SP8 DIVE multiphoton (MP) microscope uses infrared excitation light, which provides for deeper penetration into thicker tissues and can be used to examine thick sections, intact organs, and in vivo processes with maximal imaging depth, minimal light scattering, increased z-resolution, and reduced phototoxicity. Z-stacks combined with tile scans can be volumetrically rendered to generate 3D reconstructions and for morphometric analysis. The INCell permits rapid multispectral, wide-field imaging of multiwell plates and slides. Wetlab services include immunofluorescence staining, vibratome sectioning, tissue clearing and mounting and a fluorescence dissection scope is provided for tissue harvesting and documentation. The FCCIC also offers individualized training on all instruments and assistance with data analysis and experimental design.



Dr. Ellen Richie


Dr. Collene Jeter


Location and Hours of Operation

The UT MD Anderson Cancer Center South Campus, 3SCRB (Cell Imaging) and 4SCRB (Flow Cytometry)


Hours Location

Monday - Friday      

9 am - 5 pm 

1901 East Road

Houston, TX 77054

Links and Resources

Flow Cytometry Core

Flow Cytometry Core Internal

Cell Imaging


Name Role Phone Email Location
Pamela Whitney - Lab
Flow Cytometry Manager
4SCRB4.2026 & 2028
Pamela Whitney - Office
Flow Cytometry Manager

Collene Jeter - Lab
Cell Imaging Manager
Collene Jeter - Office
Cell Imaging Manager


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Flow Cytometry (16)
