RNA In Situ Hybridization Core


TH adult    miR451 E14.5    Quantification_small   


Overview of Services


Welcome to the RNA In Situ Hybridization Core at Baylor College of Medicine.


The Core performs non-radioactive RNA in situ hybridization (ISH) on tissue sections. A unique high-throughput technology developed by the Core (Yaylaoglu MB, Titmus A, Visel A, Alvarez-Bolado G, Thaller C, Eichele G. Dev Dyn. 2005 Oct;234(2):371-86) is used to determine gene expression patterns with an emphasis on tissues from rodent experimental models. The Core provides a full service that includes collecting, or assisting in collection, of animal tissue specimens, preparation of frozen and paraffin sections, preparation of RNA probes from customer templates, conducting high throughput ISH and documentation and quantification of expression patterns by microscopy. For human studies, customers must provide tissue sections. 


calb1 red gad1 green#36E966  TH positive neurons_(c2+c4+c5) xgal  



Getting Started


  • BCM Users:  Click the link in the upper right corner to login or register for an iLab account using valid BCM credentials.

  • Non-BCM Users:  Click the appropriate link in the upper right corner to login with your approved iLab credentials or to sign up for an iLab account.






Cecilia Ljungberg, Ph.D. | Core Director

NRI, room N1365.02

Email: cecilial@bcm.edu

Phone: 832-824-8873



Location and Hours of Operation



Baylor College of Medicine

Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute

1250 Moursund Street, N1325

Houston, TX 77030

Phone: 832-824-8873 

8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday to Friday   


Links and Resources




Publication Acknowledgements


Scientific publications containing data obtained using the services offered by the core should include the following statement in the acknowledgment section: This project was supported by the RNA In Situ Hybridization Core at BCM.



Name Role Phone Email Location
Cecilia Ljungberg, Ph.D.
Core Director
N1365.02 (office)/N1350.25 (lab)
Ying Liu
N1350.25 (lab)/N1325 (office)
Rong Kao
N1350.25 (lab)/N1325 (office)
Internal BCM iLab Support
Internal BCM iLab Support
