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IIDS Genomics and Bioinformatics Resources Core

Overview of Services


The IIDS Genomics and Bioinformatics Resources Core provides researchers from the University of Idaho access to technology, experience, and expertise in molecular biology methods. The core utilizes advanced technologies from companies such as Illumina, PacBio, Oxford Nanopore, Fluidigm, Sage Biosciences, and Advanced Analytical.   Applications of these technologies are commonly used in biomedical research, but the interdisciplinary focus of the University of Idaho results in a wide range of fields that can benefit from the core, including agricultural studies, forest management, and animal science. The Genomics Resources core is also available to researchers that are external to the University of Idaho, which expands our collaborative base.


The core offers expertise in the bioinformatics needed to acquire, analyze, and visualize data generated from high throughput technologies used in genomics research. With approximately $1.8 million in specialized genomic equipment, we offer a wide variety of services and capabilities including next-generation sequencing with Illumina technologies, targeted re-sequencing, and high-throughput sample preparation of both DNA and RNA.


The Genomics and Bioinformatics Resources Core implements an innovative approach to Core Facility management: the Interdisciplinary Triangle of Collaboration. The key to success of the Interdisciplinary Triangle of Collaboration is its holistic approach. Communication between all key personnel (Principal Investigator, Bioinformatician, and Molecular Scientist) occurs from at all stages of the experimental process, starting with study planning, design, and data generation through data interpretation, visualization, and manuscript preparation. The Core provides the specialized technical expertise, extensive experience, and equipment as a part of a productive relationship with the researchers. This uncommon and innovative approach to core facility management allows the IIDS Genomics and Bioinformatics Resources Core to provide customized technical expertise that most single investigators would not have access to.


The IIDS Genomics and Bioinformatics Resources Core specializes in:

  • Illumina sequencing
  • Bioinformatics and statistical analysis
  • PacBio sequencing
  • Oxford Nanpore sequencing
  • High-throughput DNA and RNA library preparation
  • Double-barcoded amplicon sequencing, all types (including microbial communities)

The GBRC also participates in many of the bioinformatic analyses from the projects that come through the core. Previous and current projects have included but are not limited to the following:
  • De novo genome and transcriptome assembly
  • RNAseq differential expression analysis
  • SNP calling
  • RAD sequence analysis
  • Dual-barcoded amplicon community analysis
  • Phylogenetic analysis
  • CRISPR transformant profiling
  • Speed congenics
  • Novel agriculture virus detection and assembly

Getting Started



  • Login with your approved credentials in the upper right hand corner




Open Access, Attribution, and Authorship


The GBRC is funded in part by an NIH COBRE grant (P30GM103324) so all papers, publications and press releases resulting from the use of the Genomics and Bioinformatics Resources Core facility should abide by the Fair Access to Science and Technology and NIH Open Access policies. They should also include the following acknowledgement:


“Data collection and analyses performed by the IIDS Genomics and Bioinformatics Resources Core at the University of Idaho.”


Additionally, if services you received from the GBRC included significant intellectual contributions (including consulting, experimental design, or troubleshooting/developing laboratory or bioinformatic methods), authorship or acknowledgement for the appropriate staff member(s) is required in associated publications. For further clarification of authorship questions, please see the ABRF Guidelines.


Data Retention, Accuracy, and Access Policies

  • Data will only be made available to clients following completion of payment information within iLab.
  • Data will be retained for one year following sequencing/analysis (or perhaps longer but with no guarantees). Please download your data/results in a timely fashion.
  • Requests for data or additional analysis which are made longer than 6 months after data was delivered will automatically incur a one hour "custom bioinformatics" fee plus additional fees if further work is required.
  • Requests for text describing analysis or methods which are made longer than 6 months after data/results have been delivered will also automatically incur a one hour "custom bioinformatics" fee except in the case that the GBRC staff member responsible for the text is included as an author on the publication.
  • GBRC staff have an excellent track record of consistently delivering high quality data and accurate results. However, mistakes do happen. Please review your results carefully and design appropriate controls/validation experiments. GBRC staff members are happy to help design these validation experiments if needed. Please alert the GBRC promptly if problems are identified with your data or analysis. In no case will the University of Idaho, GBRC, or GBRC staff be held liable for incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages arising from or in any way connected to work carried out by the GBRC. All data and subsequent analysis is For Research Use Only (RUO) and Investigational Use Only (IUO).


      Sarah Hendricks, Bioinformatic Data Scientiest

   Dan New, Lab Manager

   Maria Schneider, Lab Coordinator



Contact the Genomics and Bioinformatics Resources Core before shipping: 208-885-7023
   Dan New / Maria Schneider
   University of Idaho
   685 S. Line Street, IRIC 210
   Moscow, Idaho




Click here for full size image


Access the GBRC Sample Queue



Name Role Phone Email Location
Dan New
Lab Manager
IRIC 210
Maria Schneider
Lab Coordinator
IRIC 210
Sarah Hendricks
Bioinformatic Data Scientist
IRIC 224

Projects, Services, and Quote Requests

Search available services: View: by category alphabetically
FA, qualification and quantification, Bioanalyzer equivalent (but better) (6)
Sample Quantification and Qualification (10)
DNA Library (16)
Fluidigm (6)
Genotyping (library-prep for Illumina Sequencing) (4)
Illumina (13)
Illumina, RNA Library (20)
Oxford NanoPore Technologies (ONT) (2)
Size Selection (5)
Shearing (2)
Consumables and Reagents (14)
Bioinformatics (1)
Training Fees (1)
Shipping (1)
Hourly Services (4)
PacBio, DNA Isolation (4)
PacBio, analysis (1)
PacBio, DNA library-prep (13)
PacBio, RNA library-prep (9)
PacBio, sequencing (4)
PacBio, wet-lab support protocols (4)
PacBio, Sequel-II External Library, prepared for sequencing (4)
unclassified (1)