NMR and Drug Metabolism


Overview of Services


Welcome to the NMR and Drug Metabolism Core at Baylor College of Medicine.


The NMR and Drug Metabolism Core offers tools to support the discovery, synthesis, screening, optimization, metabolism and pharmacokinetics of small molecule ligands or lead compounds. Our 600 and 800 MHz Bruker nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometers are available for unassisted use by trained users, and user training in simple 1D and 2D NMR data acquisition and analysis is also available. Expert services are available to determine small molecule identity or conformation, to identify and quantify metabolites, to determine macromolecular structure or detect perturbations upon ligand binding, or to screen compound libraries against purified targets. We investigate the metabolism, metabolic stability, and pharmacokinetics of small molecular weight compounds using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS and MS/MS). In addition to analyzing biological fluids or tissues, we assay stability in liver microsomes and perform reaction phenotyping against an array of CYP450s. Core personnel provide advice on the use of the supported methods for a wide variety of applications and assistance is available in project experimental design and data analysis.


Services and Resources:

  • Equipment/Instrumentation                                                                                                                                                             
    • Avance III HD 600 MHz spectrometer
    • Avance III HD 800 MHz spectrometer
    • Thermo Fisher Q Exactive
    • Agilent 6490 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (QQQ MS)
    • Bruker timsTOF fleX MALDI-2 imaging mass spectrometer
  • Services
    • Unassisted NMR usage for trained users: please use the 'Schedule Equipment' tab to schedule 600 or 800 MHz NMR time
    • NMR training: please use the 'Request Services' tab to initiate an Equipment Training Request
    • Assisted NMR usage: please use the 'Request Services' tab to inquire and receive a quote for fee-for-service NMR data acquisition and analysis
    • Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics or Imaging Mass Spectrometry: please use the 'Request Services' tab to request a quote for Drug Metabolism service



Getting Started


  • BCM Users:  Click the link in the upper right corner to login or register for an iLab account using valid BCM credentials.
  • Non-BCM Users:  Click the appropriate link in the upper right corner to login with your approved iLab credentials or to sign up for an iLab account.



Leadership and Staff


Kevin MacKenzie, Ph.D. | Academic Director

Email:  Kevin.MacKenzie@bcm.edu

Phone: 281-773-2672


Name Role Phone Email Location
Feng Li Co-Director 713-798-3623 Feng.Li@bcm.edu  
Demian Rocha Ifa Technical Director   Demian.RochaIfa@bcm.edu  
Xuan Qin Staff Scientist   Xuan.Qin@bcm.edu   



Location and Hours of Operation




NMR and Drug Metabolism Core

Baylor College of Medicine

Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute

1250 Moursund Street

Houston, TX 77030

2nd Floor - NMR

6th Floor - Mass Spectrometer

Phone:  713-798-8132



7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday   




Links and Resources




Publication Acknowledgements


Scientific publications containing data obtained using the services offered by the core should include the following statements.

In the methods section: The ____ (ADD YOUR SCREEN OR ASSAY) screens were performed in the NMR and Drug Metabolism Core at Baylor College of Medicine.

In the acknowledgments section: We appreciate the technical support, advice, and assistance of ______ (ADD THE INDIVIDUAL(S) THAT HELPED WITH THE SCREEN OR ASSAY) in the NMR and Drug Metabolism Core at Baylor College of Medicine.

Grants which support core operations include, CPRIT Core Facility Support Award (RP160805) and Welch Foundation Grant (H-Q-0042).



Service Price List

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