In observance of the holidays, Agilent CrossLab/iLab Operations Software Support Help Desk will be closed during U.S. hours on Monday, February 17th, 2025. We will resume regular U.S. support hours on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025. For urgent matters, please add "Urgent" to the ticket/email subject or press "1" when prompted to escalate a call on the iLab Support phone, and we will prioritize those requests first.

Vermont Integrative Genomics Resource - VIGR


Overview of Services

iLab works best with Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.  If using Safari or Internet Explorer, there may be parts of forms that are missing.


Important Note on Trizol: As of Spring of 2020, the core will no longer process Trizol or Tri-Reagent extract RNA for down stream analysis such as NGS library synthesis, RTqPCR, cDNA reactions, and microarray target synthesis. There will be no exceptions.   At this time however, we will be happy to provide QC and/or final SBS sequening on user geneated  libraries.  Since Phenol can not be cleaned from a Trizol prep, we strongly suggest an alternative RNA extraction.


Vermont Integrative Genomics Resource

University of Vermont

Firestone Medical Research Building, Room 150

149 Beaumont Ave., Burlington

Vermont 05405

[T] 001-802-656-2557


The Vermont Integrative Genomics Resource (VIGR) runs the following instrumentation:

Singular G4 [short read, PE, high-volume]]

Illumina MiSeq [short read, mid-volume], MiniSeq [small volume]

Oxford Nanopore PromethION P2 Solo [long reads, high volume], GridION [mid-volume], MinION and MK1C [small volume]

10X Chromium Single cell controller [Single Cell GENOMICS]


ABI QuantStudio 6 Flex [RTqPCR] and 7500 Fast [RTqPCR]

ThermoFisher SeqStudio [SANGER SEQUENCER]

Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 [FRAGMENT SIZE ANALYZER]

Innovaprep CP liquid concentrator systems

Qubit 4 Flourometer [DNA QUANTIFICATION]


Biorad ChemiDoc XRS+ [GEL DOC/CHEM DOC]

Omni-Prep High Output Bead Mill Homogenizer

Please use the following link to view our website:

Please note any required administrative paperwork by external facility users must be presented and handled prior to sample submission. Please contact to start your paperwork.  Post analysis paperwork will not be processed. This allows the core to deny services if paperwork requires added staff time outside of normal activities. Additional administrative processing or paperwork beyond iLabs automatic invoicing will be billed at the standard labor fee set in the "request for services" tab in iLabs as Applied support and automatically added to the ilabs invoice. So please be prepared. The core is very busy.

Please note the core and its staff reserve the right to deny services for any reason as approved by the director(s).

Getting Started

  • Login to your iLab account with your approved iLab credentials in the top right corner.
  • Don't have an iLab account? Sign up for one here!

 Check out this CBSR instructional and navigation-based video of how to work with the cores using iLab

Operational Policies

  1. Sample Submission, Storage and Retrieval Policy
  2. Policies for accessing Bioinformatics Services



Card Access:

Please contact or for card access to FMRB 185A for sample submission and use of VIGR.



Webinar series recordings:

Webinar 6 Digital Droplet PCR: advantages and applications
Webinar 5 Oxford Nanopore Technologies with the GridION MK5: Long Read Sequencing Analysis
Webinar 4 Oxford Nanopore Technologies with the GridION MK5: Long Read Sequencing Applications
Password: 2y+SsI4.
Webinar 3 Analysis of Single Cell Data: Assays, Methods, and Requirements with VIGR:
Password: 3K&8*kt&
Webinar 2 10x Genomics Chromium Single Cell Sequencing with VIGR: 
[zoom link is coming soon]
Webinar 1 Nextgen Sequencing with VIGR: Nextgen Sequencing with VIGR
Password: w5=%9&%#

Location and hours of operation



8:30am - 5 pm Mon-Fri.

150 FMRB


Name Role Phone Email Location
Dr. Julie Dragon
149 Beaumont Ave, FMRB 162, Burlington Vermont 05405
Scott Tighe
Technical Director
FMRB 156
Dr. Kirsten Tracy
Senior Scientist
FMRB 150
Dr. Ramiro Barrantes
Statistics/ Computational Biology
FMRB 150
Stacia Richard
Lab Research Technician
FMRB 150

Sample Submission and Laboratory Services

Search available services: View: by category alphabetically
Bioinformatics Shared Resource (17)
General Genomic Services (11)
Nanopore Sequencing (1)
Next Gen Sequencing (8)
Sanger Sequencing (2)
VIGR Retired Services (10)