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   NOTE: Lab membership on your account is required to access this calendar.

Important updates for the A1R+ Confocal:


  1. The BOC is now able to train new users on the confocal! New users must create an iLab account (see this link for more details on registering an iLab account) and reserve a two hour timeslot anytime M-F between 9 AM and 5 PM. 
  2. There are now multiple tutorial videos primarily aimed at using the confocal, but also relevant for using NIS-Elements generally. You can find the videos on the main BOC website here.
  3. The BOC is once again open all day Sunday through Saturday for trained users
  4. Same-day reservations are available once again. A 15-minute buffer will be added to each reservation to give previous users time to vacate the microscope room. 


Please read the usage guidelines below before making a reservation.


The A1R+ confocal microscope has been moved from 5415 BSB to B1414B BSB (accessible through floor G on the BSB elevators or the side entrance of BSB between the main Biochemistry building and the BSB). 


Map of BOC location:





Two Weeks